Summer Love 38Degrees

Summer Love 38 Degrees (戀夏38度C) slated to air in April 2012.

The Four

The Four (四大名鋪) slated to air in April 2012. GuiGui will probably not be participating in the promotional activities.

GuiGui's Current Updates

Currently filming NvXiang (女相) in HengDian, Mainland China.


A big thank you to everyone that has been supporting GGF all these while. The new blogskin change is to provide a cleaner and more professional interface! Continue to check back for the latest updates!

GuiGui WeiBo Updates

GuiGui:My soy milk

DengZhenBang: Once again at NingBo, on the way to XiangShan, 'The Four" will once again be starting. Brothers and sisters, get ready to be reunited!
QinXiaoZhen: We're going to solve crime... "Start!"
XiangWanDian:Ha~ Missing everyone already!
QiuHua: Always ready in preparation for your call! Miss you all!
GuiGui:See you then!

GuiGui:I bought a soybean milk making machine...